
Showing posts from March, 2021

Costessey Hall

I've taken the circular walk around Queen's Hills country park many times over the past eight years and, every now and then, in a certain light and when the leaves are sparse, an ornate tower seems to appear in a haze on the horizon to the south east. Looking across from a modern estate, this piece of history that seemed to wink in and out of existence felt like a little bit of magic on our door step. As we became familiar with the area, I realised that the tower must be on or near the Costessey Park golf course and suddenly it didn't seem so magical. I hate golf. In fact I forgot about the tower until it occured to me that I had some friends who quite enjoy golf who might be able to give me a few details. In fact I met them for lunch almost every day. They told me that it was all that remained of Costessey Hall and that even that was crumbling away. I recently got into the habit of rising early in the mornings to photograph the sunrise. Squinting at the

Frederick Savage

Its been a gloomy week or two in Norfolk so this weekend I was trawling through some old photos looking for something that I hadn't already posted on the Norfolk Corners Instagram . I put my lockdown collection of lamppost photos to one side and turned my attention to the smaller pile of remaining pics. I stopped when I came to this beautifully crafted (if slightly uncomfortable looking) seat in Kings Lynn's Tuesday Market Place. I photographed it after we investigated the legend of the Witch's Heart last autumn because I liked the way that the rain had settled on it and the diffracted reflection of the late afternoon sun on its brushed steel surface. Now that I looked again though I noticed that the glyphs etched out of the lower band of the back rest represented the pole mounted gallopers that carry you round on traditional carousel rides. Very apt for the Tuesday Market Place which hosts the Kings Lynn Mart for the fortnight beginning on Valentine's Day


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