
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Saint Walstan Trail

I found this intriguing brass plaque on the side of an old forge building in Bowthorpe when I went to photograph the community garden there. Like Pablo Fanque before him, I had seen his name in various places but I hadn't really registered it. This stern, bald figure commanded attention though. As a general rule I think its worth paying close attention to anyone who is wielding a huge scythe. Nearby there is another plaque with a short biography of St. Walstan. I was interested to note that he was related to King Edmund . It goes on to describe how he forsook his privilege to devote his life to Christ and how, through his prayer, he performed miracles to heal farm animals around Taverham. Photo: lwr There are some more details on Wikipedia describing how St. Walstan's miracles led to him becoming the patron saint of agricultural workers. This would have made him a pretty big deal in East Anglia in the 10th century. The page includes another portrait of St. Walstan


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